
Moving Forward Together

Our partnership is centered on securing Denmark’s national and international interests while strengthening the country from within.

Innovation, Collaboration, Performance

From the T-33 Shooting Star to the F-35 Lightning II, we partner with the Danish Ministry of National Defence on a variety of crucial defence and security programs.

Being able to defend yourself and your allies is crucial. For peace. For stability. For freedom and democracy. The F-35s will be at the absolute center for the Danish Defense in the coming decades.
Trine Bramsen
Danish Minister of Defense

Strengthening Denmark from Within

Our programs not only contribute to Danish security, they create opportunities for enterprise-wide partnerships across Danish industry.

Our relationship with Terma continues to grow through a series of partnerships leading to new innovations in technology that have roots in Denmark with application around the world. 

Lockheed Martin has supported and partnered with Weibel on a number of important defense programs.

We proudly partner with GomSpace to provide engineering support, technology transfer and technical training in the areas of cyber, propulsion, processes and integration.

When Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky company identified a need for an update to an existing support tool for Field Service Representatives (FSR), maintenance and logistic planning, it turned to BridgeIT.

Terma and Lockheed Martin have had a close partnership for decades. It is much more than a regular business relation; we truly work as partners and constantly aim at reaching common goals.
Jørgen O. M. Laursen
Senior Vice President, Terma Aerostructures
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Media Contacts:

John Neilson
(+44) 0 207 979 8075